Siyatjheja Social Project


Social gathering and various interactions amongst positive-minded individuals provided an opportunity where a common idea about youth development was born. In addressing the social needs of the communities that mounded them, the former learners of local secondary schools-through extensive consultation processes with relevant stakeholders – willingly committed themselves to improving the living standard of their society through ploughing back what they have reaped from these fields.

Since the future of any prosperous community depends on the productivity of its youth, the former learners saw it as an imperative that social challenges facing the young generation be uncompromisingly thwarted.

These social challenges include unemployment, HIV AIDS, poverty, crime, drug substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and others. The eradication of these social ills can be achieved through a collective effort. It is for this reason that the non-profit, community development organisation was established-Siyatjheja Social Project (SSP). This was on the 01st of February 2007.

It was officially launched during the re-union event of Tholulwazi S.S. School former learners, on the 21st of April 2007..


Our Sponsors

Siyatjheja Social Project was award the status of Provisional Accreditation for Information Technology training from 16 October 2017 until 15 October 2019

Accreditation Number: ACC/2017/09/008


  • “I was always telling myself that I was living ok even though it was not true.  But now I feel like a new person. The Foundation for Life programme helped me with so much knowledge, and it opened my mind and eyes that I now think I was totally blind in the past.  My life is totally not the same as when I first came here.  Everyone must  know and experience what I have come to experience and know.  Thanks for the knowledge and truth and please it must never end, because I wish to see my brothers and sisters around to feeling the way I do.” Mandla Mahlangu Jan 29, 2018
  • Going to Siyatjheja has turned out to be the best choice I’ve ever made in my life.  The programme of Life Skills at this project was the best and will always be in my heart. My experience was life-changing. Some of the most valuable lessons I learned were about purpose. Success is not based on what you have or how much money you have, it is actually walking in God’s perfect plan for your life. God wants us to work hard and earn our living in a decent way. He wants us to be content where we are. He doesn’t want us to be stagnant. He wants us to prosper in all we do, but we should enjoy what we have. Now I can go and start my own business to become independent. Tshepo Nov 3, 2017
  • “I lived my life without direction.  I was with friends who had a bad influence on me and we smoked weed and drank alcohol.  We used drugs to keep us awake all night.  I didn’t know anything about God.  I was in the dark and never attended church.  This programme of Peer Counselling conducted by Siyatjheja Social project in collaboration with (SANCA)South African National Council on drug and alcohol substance abuse really changed my life.  I feel like I found a family that loves me.  I was open to talk to people that I met during this period of time.  Now I know myself and what I want for the future.  I know my purpose in life and I will make use of all the information and put it into practice.  I will make the choices that determines who I want to be in my future. I wish I’ve been here a long time ago, but I still thank God for the gifts that I got from this programme, for it really changed my life and my future.” Siphamandla Sep 29, 2017
  • Edgar was placed by Siyatjheja Social Project and started after completing his studies at CN Mahlangu Technical campus in Siyabuswa.  Edgar was a full time student were with the opportunity he got from the project it has upgrade his skills in facilitating yet he also attended a full course to become an Assessor since he was part of the volunteering team at Siyatjheja. He is now a qualify Assessor with assistance of Siyatjheja Social Project . Edgar Jul 3, 2016
  • “Growing up as a child was difficult for me, as both my parents were unemployed and my dad would try by all means to take care of us.  Siyatjheja Social Project has taught me about how to stand up and face life, get skilled, be literate and go out to seek job, as is was my best interest at heart to know to use computer.  I now see the light and can operate it alone without any assistance In term of using its features from basic to word, excel and power point presentation.. I am able make CV on my own, through God this has become an achievement to me. Lerato Jul 3, 2016